A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Saturday 29th

29 October 1864

Monday 31.st

31 October 1864
30 October 1864
Sunday 30th

Cloudy and chilly. Attended Divine service at a dissenting Chapel in the town. It is a new building, very plain and not in the best taste, as the interior is barnlike. The services good and simple The sermon on the last verse of the eighty seventh psalm, “All my springs are in thee.” The guidance of the Deity the source of all true human merit both in act and thought. The subject is one of very great difficulty, and requires discriminating treatment, inasmuch as it allies itself with the thorny discussion of the Will. The attendance was good. Generally young persons, and women, very well dressed, as if of the substantial middling class. I regard this distinction in religious faith as one of the most significant facts in the structure of English society. It has a political meaning too, as a standing protest against dictation from the privileged classes. The sermon through neither well reasoned nor nicely put together was nevertheless far more adapted to the hearers than the bald and formal commonplace of the Establishment. After luncheon, I went with Mrs Adams to Pembroke Lodge, to pay a visit to Lord and Lady Russell. Found them at home, and spoke to him about one or two questions of little importance in my Despatches. He asked me to make a note of them, which I said I would There were many visitors of the Diplomatic corps. He asked me to make a note of them, which I said I would. There were many visitors of Embassies, and Mr Edwards, about to start as British minister to Venezuela. We took leave at half past four. The drive is short and the road like a bowling green. On my return, Henry who had been to town brought me the Despatches and newspapers. The accounts are decidedly encouraging.140

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d304