A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1864

Thursday 17th

17 November 1864

Saturday 19th

19 November 1864
18 November 1864
Friday 18.th

To town, where I completed the Despatches and wrote my private letters. Had a visit from Mr and Mrs Stratton, in other words the little dwarf known as Tom Thumb. He has contrived to find a mate not much bigger than himself and the result has been an infant which he brought with him It is not a pleasing spectacle though the parties are not devoid of ordinary intelligence. A sister of her’s was with them not much larger. He is said to be wealthy, from the proceeds of exhibition of himself He professes to come out only for a pleasure tour in Europe. With the part was a Secretary named Kellogg who is probably the manager for them. The General as they call him is now about twenty nine, but his face looks older. I had also a visit from a person by the name of All-ton from North Carolina, who has escaped from the South, and now desires to hear something of a halfbrother by the name of Burge, taken prisoner by us last winter and placed at Point Lookout. I told him my son was there, and I would write to him to enquire, which I did. He then got talking about the war, and deploring its continuance. Finally he appealed to me as the only per son who was in a situation to interpose and being the two parties to terms. Singularly enough he hit151 upon the leading provisions of my arrangement of last Spring through Mr Scott Russell I made no allusion to it however in what I said in reply. I contented myself with assurances of my desire to see a settlement and a disavowal of all belief in my power to act as he prepared. I remain convinced that the only practicable arrangement must take somewhat the shape which we gave to it; but with that my agency seems to be pretty much exhausted. The time has not yet come to expose it to the light. Home at five o’clock, which is now pretty dark.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA64d323