A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Thursday 2d.

2 February 1865

Saturday 4th

4 February 1865
3 February 1865
Friday 3d.

My solitude would probably depress me if I had the time to think about it. But somehow or other an unusual pressure keeps both my mind and my fingers steadily at work. I had besides my private letters, a number of visits. One from Sir Henry Holland who seems much affected by the death of Mr Everett. He asked about the family of whose successful trip to Boulogne I got an account from Mary this morning. Sir William Ouseley also came in to speak about a little matter of business and also to make enquiries. Sir Edward Cast also made a call. He had head of my being at Rhyll and had sent a letter to ask us to visit him at Burkenhead, but it had been returned to him as I had already there. I had also a Mr Morrison, formerly a member of Congress from Illinois195 who is evidently in Europe because he does not relish the political atmosphere at home. He has the dark, swarthy appearance of the Southern people. He talked much however of the President, and gave me some information about General Singleton, whose name appears now in the papers as a voluntary negotiator of reconciliation at Richmond. It appears that he has always been on their side, being originally from Virginia. The news from America is very strong of peace. The subject is on every lip in the South but the pressure is not yet quite up to the mark. The governing influence on both sides is doing what it can to prevent its effect upon the military organization. A few weeks more will, I think develope the truth at Richmond that nothing more can be done. Desertion and demoralization are th theme of bitter lamentation. I see no way to counteract it now that Sherman is on his march through the heart of Carolina and Thomas has Alabama and Mississippi undefended before him, whilst Grant holds Lee at bay. The struggle between the parties at the rebel Congress grows more and more fierce. They are nearly equal, whilst the President is the object of general denunciation. We must wait a little longer. Walk around the Regent’s Park, and quiet evening at home. Mr Alward came in and paid me a visit. I read some of Mr Mill’s political Economy.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d034