A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Friday 3d.

3 March 1865

Sunday 5th

5 March 1865
4 March 1865
Saturday 4th

Variable with much rain at night. The news appears to produce a greater impression here than any since the beginning of the rebellion. This morning I reform my domestic Institution, dismissing my embezzling but very capable cook and fire other servants, for whom I substitute fresh ones. Wrote to Mrs Adams, and received visits from Mr Guttierez to congratulate, and Mr Henry Upham of Boston. Also Mr Evans who did not come up. Afterwards I walked down to Sotheby’s rooms to look at some coins to be sold on Monday— On my return called to see Sir Charles and Lady Lyell who were much delighted by the news. Dined at Sir Robert Collier’s. The Attorney General and Lady Laura Palmer, Sir J Shaw Lefevre, his wife and daughter, Mr Vernon Harcourt and two whom I did not know. After dinner there was for the first time in my experience, some reference to the classes which elicited more or less of familiarity with Latin and Greek poetry. Pedantry is not the characteristic of educated men in society. This talk betrayed knowledge without pretension. Home at eleven, where I found all my american news. A letter from Charles announcing to me his engagement to be married to Miss Ogden of Newport. We have been under some suspicion of this for a good while. Louisa spoke very highly of her. I am glad of it for my son whose happiness, I trust, may be promoted by it. There is much sterling merit in him, and a share of abilities which ought to establish him honorably in life. He has my progress, as he has had for a long while back, and especially since he embarked on his hazardous career.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d063