A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1865

Saturday 11th

11 March 1865

Monday 13th

13 March 1865
12 March 1865
Sunday 12th

To the city to church. Mr Alward accompanied. Found with little difficulty St George’s in Botolph the last edifice of Wren’s designing but one which I have not visited. The plan is simple but elegant. The nave covered with a circular arch, and the sides supported by corinthian columns. Light in abundance both above and below, long windows and the characteristic round ones. The entrance shut in form the necessity of placing the altar to the east, which throws the back of the Church on the street. The wood work not so fine as usual. It appeared to have been painted or stained. The walls rather neglected. The site very much cramped. Attendance in thew pews about fifty people. The preacher read for the lesson the narrative of the blessing gained from his brother Esau by Jacob, and he read it admirably. It also formed the topic of his sermon, which he delivered without notes. The treatment was however not satisfactory. The story is one of fraud on the part of Rebecca and Jacob, of which so far as it appears Esau was the innocent victim. I remember hearing an admirable analysis of it by Dr Frothingham many years ago when he was officiating in Clauncey place. Home where I waited to receive a visit from Mr W. E Forster, who came to inform himself of the facts with which to be prepared to speak tomorrow in the Commons. The system of alarm of some hostilities by us upon our reconciliation at home has been persevered in until it229 really looks as it might bring on the very evil it feigns to apprehend. I thought even Mr Forster seemed to think it had some foundation. I told him that the only course was to unmask the conspirators. The whole scheme had its origin in these miserable intriguers whose machinery was unmitigated falsehood. Mr Morgan came in and paid me a short visit. He accidentally disclosed that he was on his way to call on a rebel officer by the name of Polk. Yet he proposes to be a very loyal man. I had to dine with me, Mr Wasburn and Mr Alward, who did not leave until nearly eleven.

Cite web page as:

Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA65d071