L. Dennis Shapiro and Susan R. Shapiro Digital History Seminar
The Shapiro Digital History Seminar at the MHS will introduce audiences to the inner workings of in-progress projects that depend on digital methods, such as the translation of analog primary sources to a digital format, the use of computational tools for research and analysis of historical data, and the creation of “publications” in any form of digital media to communicate with audiences. The series will emphasize engagement with archival source materials, and presentations will include works intended for academic scholarship and/or for public history. Attendees are encouraged to provide feedback, and presenters may occasionally recommend review of circulated materials before the session meeting.
Attendance is free and open to everyone. Subscribers who remit $25 for the year will receive early online access to any pre-circulated materials. Subscriptions also underwrite the cost of the series. Pre-circulated materials will be available to non-subscribers who have RSVP’d for a session on the day prior to the program. Subscribe to this seminar series and you will receive access to the seminar papers for SIX series: the Boston Seminar on African American History, the Pauline Maier Early American History Seminary, the Boston Seminar on Environmental History, the Boston Seminar on the History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality, the Boston Seminar on Modern American Society and Culture, and the Boston Seminar on the History of Women, Gender, & Sexuality. We recognize that topics frequently resonate across these four fields; now, mix and match the seminars that you attend!
Join us for an in-depth exploration of the latest scholarship. Subscribe
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