A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Wednesday 9th

9 July 1862

Friday 11th

11 July 1862
10 July 1862
Thursday 10th

The news from America this day is by no means favorable. A severe check at Charleston, and a very ambiguous result at Richmond bid fair at least to breed an extension of the war. General McLellan allows himself to be put on the defensive which is not a favorable symptom. He wants genius though he may have talent. I begin to mistrust the issue at Richmond a good deal. The currency is beginning to show very bad symptoms of plethora f paper. Mr Chase is not exactly a financier148 to my taste. Though the difficulty of his task cannot be much exaggerated. I drove in the carriage with my nephew, Francis Brooks and Henry to the city to attend the presentation of the freedom of the city to Mr Peabody. We were ushered into the common room, where were assembled the aldermen wand the council together with a small number of their friends and those of Mr Peabody. At three o’clock, the Mayor came in preceded by the mace and sword, and then Mr Peabody. The Chamberlain in presenting the box of gold of the value of five hundred dollars, which contains the certificate made an address in excellent taste and tone, and in the best spirit towards the United States. It should be noted that it was strongly applauded especially for the last quality. On the whole, the ceremony, for it is nothing more, was impressive far beyond my expectation. Mr Peabody read his reply, which was simple and modest. From Guildhall, I went to the Barings, where Mr Bates told me that the minsters would make some new signs about America tomorrow night. Thus it is that the clouds appear to thicken once more. Such is life in great as in little events! We must trust that all these things are to turn out for good. My lesson here is one of patience. I drove home only to dress and to return with Mrs Adams and Henry to the Mansion House, to dinner. About two hundred and thirty guests. I sat on the left of Mrs Humphrey, the daughter of Mr Corbitt, who officiates as Lady Mayoress. The usual forms and ceremonies, and trusts. I was summoned to answer for the Trustees. My object was to bring forward a hint of the value of friendly relations between Europe and America, as illustrated in the life and disposition of Mr Peabody. It was perhaps too elaborate, but I cannot trust newspapers here with any thing hazarded at the moment. Lord Stanley and Sir Emerson Tennent both responded to toasts. There were songs, and then we left the table and went home. I trust that this is the last dinner speech for some time. I could more cheerfully agree to do many harder things.149

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d191