A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1862

Thursday 10th

10 July 1862

Saturday 12th

12 July 1862
11 July 1862
Friday 11th

The Commissioners of the International Exhibition having found that the interest in it falls below expectation, and the prospect of indemnity of the outlay is growing more dubious have devised a new ceremony on the occasion of making the awards, which was fixed to take place today. To make it were imposing they enlisted the government in a project of inviting special representatives from the several powers to act as distributors. and the whole paraphernalia of chess and show was just in use just as at the time of the opening. The American exhibitors desired in the absence of directions from home that I should act for them, so that I was obliged to don my harness and with my Secretaries and all the family to start at about noon for the Exhibition. We entered at the Conservatory of the Horticultural gardens, where the Ministers, the International representatives and the corps Diplomatique, which too proved to be very nearly the same thing, met the Commissioners and from thence we executed a procession to a Daïs erected on the centre of the grounds. Here the several classes of Jurymen came in succession and delivered to the Duke of Cambridge a bound volume containing the awards of Medals. We then all marveled off to the building and at certain points assigned to each nations, the International representative stopped and handed the book to the regent there stationed to receive it. It was a mere form, and my part was less troublesome than I expected. We then marched back to the Daïs, when the bands played God save the Queen, and there was an end. The weather was tolerable favorable, and the spectacle of the large crowd of gaily dressed females seated around the fountain, as seen from the Dais, was quite pretty. But I cannot help feeling it was a heavy apparatus to accomplish nothing. The book had done the work already. After some difficulty and delay we found Mrs Adams and returned home. The remainder of the day and evening passed at home. Francis Brooks left us on his way to the steamer which sails tomorrow. With this ceremony terminates the most trouble week of the season to me. Of all parts of my public duties much the worst suited to my taste is the pomp and circumstance of this high place.150

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA62d192