A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Tuesday 3d.

3 March 1863

Thursday 5th

5 March 1863
4 March 1863
Wednesday 4th

As there was only the telegraph of the Steamer I availed myself of the interval and went by the way of the Metropolitan Railway to the city, to call on Messrs Baring, and arrange the business suggested by Mr Scott Russell. This was done and I got home in two hours. But for my delay on other matters it might have been done in one. This road is certainly a great convenience, though the air in it is none of the best. It is a marvellous product of industry and perseverance. Busy in answering many letters. Walk around the Regents park with my daughter. The birds were singing as if it were summer. A surtant was rather uncomfortable. The whole week has been delightful weather. I dined at Mr Darby Griffith’s. A better house and more agreeable company than I have met before. The inner given tot he Princess of Servia, a personage whom I saw at the Drawing Room and at Lord Palmerston’s. Baron Bentinck took Mrs Adams into dinner, whilst I took Mrs Griffith. Mr and Mrs Spencer Walpole were my only other acquaintances. Afterwards I discovered Mrs Forbes, Lord Holtham, Sir Henry Willingly, Mr Hennessy, a Miss Lavigne. After dinner we had some very good music from Mrs Griffith on the harp and Miss Lavigne on the piano. Thence we went to a reception at Lady Colchester’s. Not many acquaintances. Saw Mr Moreira there, who spoke to me about this case with Lord Russell. The last letter of his Lordship is full of all the defects of English character. No wonder it is so repulsive to all foreign nations. Bentinck spoke of it very strongly tonight. Saw likewise Mr Scott Russell and told him of my arrangement in the morning with the Messr Baring.

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d063