A website from the Massachusetts Historical Society; founded 1791.

Diary of Charles Francis Adams, 1863

Wednesday 4th

4 March 1863

Friday 6th

6 March 1863
5 March 1863
Thursday 5th

Another fine day. The American newspapers occupied me for a little while, but soon after eleven o’clock I got down to my desk and prepared the draughts of my Despatches of the week. I adhere to my new rule of making them short, which saves time and labour, but does not fulfil my notion of a minister’s duty. I have no disposition to complain of Mr Seward in his treatment of me, for he has always been liberal and even generous in his support of all my official doings But even since I came and even before I was sensible307 of a certain temperament which renders him unconscious of these fined perceptions of delicacy in the treatment of others which some people call tact. The first evidence of this was the mode of selecting my Secretary. The second the sending of a variety of semi official agents to complicate my position in this country. The third the publication of my Despatches without regard to their effect here. I have gradually made out to work through all this, by the favour of circumstances, so that I retain no unfriendly feeling on account of it. The only effect is that I act under perpetual fear and reserve. Neither am I ever sure of what will come next. This very much affects the degree of my usefulness in the diplomatic service. Still, with the single exception of Mr Everett, I know not how I could gain by a change. I had several visits, from a Mr Billings who asked me to call and see his house, which I agreed to do tomorrow. Mr Brooks and Mr Hunnewell who have staid over a week in order to see the show on Saturday. and Sir Henry Holland. Out in the afternoon with Mrs Adams to see at Garrard’s the diamond prepared for the bride, the Princess of Denmark. They told me that the crowd of visiters had been constant since nine in the morning. Then to return some visits and a walk. Quiet evening. Read a little more of Helen, but I am sorry to say the defects are glaring. How age does sharpen the perception of these!

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Charles Francis Adams, Sr., [date of entry], diary, in Charles Francis Adams, Sr.: The Civil War Diaries (Unverified Transcriptions). Boston: Massachusetts Historical Society, 2015. http://www.masshist.org/publications/cfa-civil-war/view?id=DCA63d064